Newsletter Email

We have created an email account for newsletter submissions and questions. Please send articles to.

Are You Moving?
If you are changing your address either temporarily or permanently please make sure you log in to your account and change your address there (update my profile in the drop down menu on the right. We send our emails and newsletters to the information we have on file for you, so if it changes you must put those changes in the system. Our newsletter, sent by bulk mail, will not be forwarded by the US Postal Service, so if your address changes you will not get the newsletters unless you submit your new address.

Calendar of Upcoming Genealogy Related Events

Some events are sponsored by CDGS and are so identified. Other events are sponsored by other organizations. (Click on the Calendar Image)

To register for any presentations you must be logged into your CDGS account. Click on the blue button to log in.

Special Interest Groups

Everyone who is interested in family history is not necessarily interested in the same subject area or skillset. With that in mind CDGS sponsors three Special Interest Groups. Opportunities for members to delve into their family history in a smaller group setting. 

  • Writers' Workshop - led by retired English Professor Paul Lamar. Participants refine how to express their thoughts and research in a written format. There is a $35 surcharge for participation in this group.  The current session ends on January 11, 2025 but a new five meeting session starts in March. This new session will meet on 
    • March 8
    • April 12
    • May 10
    • June 14
    • July 12
  • French/French Canadian Research - This is a newly forming group who will share sources, tips, tricks, etc. to improve reseach of their French or French Canadian ancestors. There is no charge for paricipation in this group.
  • Jewish Genealogy - This group  will focus on finding those elusive Jewish ancestors. There may also be opportunities to volunteer in Jewish Cemetery clean up. There is no charge for participation in this group.

If you are interested in any of these groups email

remember to renew your membership and we will see you in January.

See the meetings Tab to see What's new for next year's presentations.

Our tree on display at the Schenectady County Historical Societies "Festival of Trees". 

Our tree features photographs of our actual ancestors submitted by members of CDGS in a presentation that can only be termed "Fancy".  Think metal, leather, lace, pearls, feathers, etc. From the peacock tree topper to the tree skirt made of feathers you couldn't mistake our tree for anyone else's.  

 People who come to see the display are given the opportunity to vote for their favorite in eight categories and our tree won the award for "Most Creative Tree". 

How do I know if my membership is current or has expired?